The dog days of summer offer so many fun activities for you and your dog but, they can also be the most dangerous.
Although by now everyone should be aware to never leave your dog in a car in the summer, inevitably there are still many deaths as a result of this. A 2C (36F) rise in a dog’s temperature can lead to heatstroke and death. Even if you plan on being “only a moment” or you crack the windows, dogs are not equipped to tolerate heat well. Unless necessary, consider leaving you dog at home where he is safe and cool. If you must bring your dog then bring a buddy. This way while you’re inside your buddy can sit in the car with your dog to make sure the air conditioning is on and working properly.

Heatstroke is another real danger for dogs, so always carry cool water with you while out exercising or walking. Since dogs are unable to sweat all over their bodies like we do, they can become dehydrated and develop heatstroke in a very short time. Offer your dog with water constantly while outside in the summer. Signs of heatstroke to watch for include excessive panting, drooling and lying down. If you see any of these signs seek medical attention immediately.
In the summer, city streets, asphalt, sand, and artificial grass can become extremely scorching. Although the air may not seem that hot many surfaces absorb and retain heat making it dangerous for bare feet or paws. On a day when the temperature is 77F (25C) the pavement can reach a whopping 125F (51C). Even at temperatures that we wouldn’t consider “too hot”, your dog’s paw pads can blister and burn in a minute. You can keep your dog inside until the sun goes down but a better alternative is a summer boot. Poochy Pawz City Shoes are designed specifically for summer weather. They are breathable, lightweight with moisture wicking fabrics to allow natural cooling. There is also a heat resistant sole to protect paws from hot surfaces.

With all the time spent outdoors, your pet runs the risk of encountering ticks. Ticks carry a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, and symptoms are often hard to spot. You may notice your dog becoming tired, feverish or lame. Always inspect your dogs for ticks after being outside. One way to avoid them is by using preventive medications which you should talk to your Vet about.
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